With more than twenty years of professional experience in managing pavement networks in Southern California, our team brings relevant, qualified and proven success to your project. Pavement management isn’t simply identifying condition; it is knowing how to manage a network in a way that benefits short-term need and long-term goals.
Bucknam stands at the forefront of pavement management implementation, assessment and delivery and we will bring this passion to your agency from the beginning. Our project manager (and President), Mr. Peter Bucknam has managed over 240 PMP projects throughout the western United States; his teams combined have surveyed over 65,500 miles of pavement over the past 25 years. This experience lends to applicable solutions for your unique pavement needs and goals.
Bucknam’s pavement management team’s local agency expertise is demonstrated through:
• Our experience of managing pavement projects over the past twenty years;
• Assisting cities comply with LACMTA, OCTA Measure M2 and other PMP requirements through our extensive experience;
• Implementing numerous pavement management software’s such as MicroPAVER, StreetSaver, CarteGraph, etc.;
• Extensive Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, Ventura, and Inland Empire PMP project management experience;
• We utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create road segment polygons for improved asphalt true area calculations;
• Our understanding of public works projects from the “city” side through City Engineer and Public Works Director experience; and
• Implementing a realistic, proactive and repeatable PMP methodology that matches your agencies needs and goals.
Bucknam will bring our extensive experience to your City by building upon our knowledge and understanding of your PMP goals. Mr. Bucknam’s team includes dedicated, certified and qualified managers and field technicians that have served under his management for over twenty years on PMP projects. His team of inspectors will update your PMP through sound Army Corps of Engineers - ASTM D6433 (streets) & D5340 (airport) inspection methodologies.
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